Sunday, June 1, 2008

If I will win 10 million dollars

If I will win 10 million dollars I will buy many houses and cars. Also I will travel over the world. I think that I will save 5 million dollar and I will invest it in business. The first house that I will buy must be in Polanco a neighbourhood in Mexico City it has to be a luxury house near to my favourite park which is called Chapultepec. In addition I will buy a house in Playa del Carmen in the province of Yucatan, Mexico. It should be located in the beach with a spectacular view of the Caribbean ocean. After, I get this I will buy some cars; the first one has to be a sport car “Porsche Carrera”, the second one has to be a sport BMW. Also I would like to have a Liberty jeep or a Land lover truck. The rest of the money I would like to spend traveling. My favourite places to visit first could be in Asia like Japan, China, Thailand, Vietnam, The Filipinas and India. I want to travel to Europe as well I will do a tour from Spain to Turkey and from Italy to Finland. I could visit each country in Europe. My last travel could be in South America, I will like to go to Peru, Argentina, Chile, Brazil, The Pascua Island and the Patagonia. Finally I will choose a good business to invest money something like Canadian oil or some company in USA. Hopefully one day I can win 10 million dollars I have many ways to spend this money but principally I will buy some real state and many many cars.


Jeff said...

Will you invite all your classmates (and your teachers!) to your beach house? We'll need a break from the cold winter weather in Calgary.

Cosse said...

WOW!! you have everything planed.
If you'll wind the lottery, please rememberme!!! hahaaha
And I really like this car too!!

Jeff said...

A little advice on conditionals: the if clause should be in present tense (If I *win* 10 million dollars, I'll buy...)

Roman said...
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Roman said...

I agree! If you win 10mln dollars, please, do NOT forget about your lovely classmates :D

Juan M. Echeverri said...

I will do the same! I love cars too!!!