Sunday, June 1, 2008

If I will win 10 million dollars

If I will win 10 million dollars I will buy many houses and cars. Also I will travel over the world. I think that I will save 5 million dollar and I will invest it in business. The first house that I will buy must be in Polanco a neighbourhood in Mexico City it has to be a luxury house near to my favourite park which is called Chapultepec. In addition I will buy a house in Playa del Carmen in the province of Yucatan, Mexico. It should be located in the beach with a spectacular view of the Caribbean ocean. After, I get this I will buy some cars; the first one has to be a sport car “Porsche Carrera”, the second one has to be a sport BMW. Also I would like to have a Liberty jeep or a Land lover truck. The rest of the money I would like to spend traveling. My favourite places to visit first could be in Asia like Japan, China, Thailand, Vietnam, The Filipinas and India. I want to travel to Europe as well I will do a tour from Spain to Turkey and from Italy to Finland. I could visit each country in Europe. My last travel could be in South America, I will like to go to Peru, Argentina, Chile, Brazil, The Pascua Island and the Patagonia. Finally I will choose a good business to invest money something like Canadian oil or some company in USA. Hopefully one day I can win 10 million dollars I have many ways to spend this money but principally I will buy some real state and many many cars.

Mi favourite pet

I believe that pets are really important for persons but not all the animals are available to be pets. In my opinion is not possible to get a wild animal as a pet. Wild animals as bears, tigers, jaguar, lions, eagles etc are not able to be pets, they are animals that need very special conditions to live, and in the fortunate case that you will have a wild animal as a pet you should have a huge forest or something like that because these animals are not happy in cages. For me a pet is big responsibility and I think that is your obligation as a pet owner to make happy them. People who own wild pets are very selfish. In my case if I have to choose a pet for sure it will be a dog, for me there are the best pets. Dogs could be your partners and friends. Also dogs are happy living with people and they just need some conditions to be safety and healthy. If you own a dog you are responsible to provide them a house. In a future if I can have a dog I will build his house in my backyard. In addition I will spend a lot of time with him. With a dog is possible to do many activities for example: you can run or play with them. Also you can watch TV. or just walk with your dog they are really good company and they are happy just being with you. I think the best dog as a pet is a dog from breeds like Kita, Dalmatian or Labrador retriever because they are energetic, smart and friendly races. As well they are beautiful dogs. When I can have a dog I will own a black Labrador retriever.